Explore the Realm of Magic: The Gathering - Articles and Insights

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Explore which Bloomburrow creature type will excel in MTG Standard. Get expert tips to enhance your deck-building strategy in Magic: The Gathering.
Which Bloomburrow Creature Type Will Work in Standard?
Bloomburrow is many things. It's a fun hit of nostalgia for anyone who grew up on Redwall the dozens of popular products inspired by it, it's a creature-focused set that promises a slugfest limited environment, and it's a return to the design philosophy that gave us Onslaught and Lorwyn: creature types matter! On Bloomburrow, there are ten different kin – one for each color pair – and I want to break them down and see which have a chance to break out in Standard. As of this writing, the servers have just recently shut down on the Bloomburrow Streamer Event, so I've had the chance to play with and against these decks and I have a number of thoughts. Given that all of these strategies rely on having some creatures online, I'd be remiss if I ignored the elephant in the room. Given the propensity of removal and sweepers in Standard, there's a high likelihood that none of these will step up and be competitive right away, but I don't believe we should dismiss them out of hand either. The following analysis is with that understanding, so keep that in mind as we go. Birds – White/Blue
Dive into our theory crafting guide for Golgari Self Mill in MTG. Uncover key strategies, essential cards, and expert tips to build this powerful deck archetype.
Theory Crafting Golgari Self Mill
Golgari Midrange has been a relevant deck for a while in Standard. It has put up results at all levels. Now, we are seeing a lot of good cards for it rotating out, and we are losing some very useful lands. I thought it might be a good time to shake up the archetype a bit and try out a different archetype within Golgari. Today we are going to be looking at Golgari Self Mill. We will be milling ourselves with a few different creature abilities, and also ramping a bit. Eventually, we will cast some pretty big creatures, and then take advantage of the number of creatures within our graveyard by making the opponent lose life equal to that number. Don't worry if it doesn't quite seem fast enough compared to some of the other creature decks out there—we have a few different ways to gain life that should help us stabilize and set up our combo! {{ 66a039146d52045ad0696d59 }} Let me start by saying that I saw Ygra, and my love for cats immediately made me want to throw her into a deck. I think this is a pretty good shell and could be the start of figuring out the best way to use her. I'm not convinced this is the best way to use her, but we have to start somewhere, and we will never know if we don't try out some builds. This deck uses a lot of new cards from the set, and I won't go over all of them, but I will go over the cards that help us the most to set up our win con.
Explore the current landscape of competitive Magic: The Gathering. Get insights on top decks, player rankings, and future trends in the MTG competitive scene.
The State of Competitive Magic
Welcome Magic lovers!   While many of the Magic: the Gathering players reading this are very likely to spend much, if not all of their time engaging with the game we love on the Magic Arena client, tapping and casting digital representations of cards, the reality is that the vast majority of high-level competitive play still occurs elsewhere; either face-to-face in card shops and convention centers across the globe, or on the archaic Magic Online client. This is primarily due to one main factor.
Explore Bloomburrow's limited archetypes in Magic: The Gathering. Get strategies, key cards, and tips to win your next draft or sealed event!
Bloomburrow: Limited Archetypes Guide!
With Bloomburrow completely revealed for a couple of days now, it's already time to think about the new limited format and find out what awaits us! The prerelease event will be available starting from July 26th, while if you are a digital player on MTG Arena you'll have to wait until July 30th. Bloomburrow is a fairytale world inhabited by animalfolk and in each color pair we find a different main species, characterizing the guild.
Unleash the Infinite Sun Titans Combo in Historic MTG. Learn top strategies, decklists, and expert tips to effectively dominate your matches and climb ranks!
Infinite Sun Titans Combo in Historic
Today's deck is a best-of-one combo deck leveraging the beloved Commander staple Sun Titan as well as a card known for causing a ruckus in Standard alongside Felidar Guardian, Saheeli Rai. The idea is simple, use Sun Titan's ability to reanimate Saheeli Rai, then copy it. If a second copy of Saheeli Rai is in your graveyard, the legend rule will put the first one back, then use your remaining Saheeli to make a new Sun Titan copy and repeat the process until you have enough hasty 6/6s to win the game. The core combo resembles the Modern classic Splinter Twin + Pestermite combo, except this one requires a bit more setup. {{ 669adb7305865ab09975cf45 }}
Explore the Shifting Woodland Combo, a unique alternative to Boros Energy in Historic MTG. Discover new strategies, decklists, and gameplay tips!
Shifting Woodland Combo: An Alternative to Boros Energy in Historic!
On July 13th and 14th two major events took place: the Arena Championship 6 and the Qualifier Weekend. In the past weeks we have seen Bor Energy completely dominate the Historic Format: 58.1% of the decks submitted to the Arena Championship 6 were Boros Energy and in the top 8 , 75% of the decks were Boros Energy with only 2 Jeskai Lotus Field decks. Although we do not have reliable data on the Qualifier Weekend, it is easy to assume that there was also a predominance of Boros Energy. Personally, I managed to reach day 2 of the Qualifier Weekend and among the 11 games played at least 6 were played against Boros Energy. During the Qualifier Weekend, a really interesting deck managed to qualify to the Arena Championship 7 using a really interesting interaction among Shifting Woodland and Omniscience.

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