In a few days, on June 15-16 MTG Arena will host an Explorer Qualifier Weekend and right now Rakdos Vampires is for sure the most popular deck in the format. If we look at the Pioneer data we notice how the deck is the most played one with a meta share of around 18%. It is likely to assume that the meta share in Explorer is going to be even bigger as the absence of decks like Hidden Strings or Niv to Light might has a huge impact in this direction. Explorer is the least played format on Arena and people, generally speaking, don't like to invest many resources on it. However we have to remember that on MTG Arena the Vampires packet is played in Historic and Timeless as well and for this reason it is likely to assume that many of the players who are not familiar with Explorer will just stick to this deck since they might have played it in different formats. Unless Amalia Combo (check my latest article) becomes even more popular, I would assume the meta share of the deck will be higher than 20%. If you feel like you can match a deck a fifth of the games you play I think you should at least try to understand how that deck works and maybe try to find a plan to win the matchup.
What’s the deck plan?
Rakdos Vampires is basically a midrange deck that has access to some of the strongest cards in the format like Thoughtseize, Fatal Push and Fable of the Mirror-Breaker. Nevertheless the real power of the deck lies in Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord and Vein Ripper. Right now Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord is the strongest three-mana planeswalker in both Pioneer and Explorer since it makes possible to cheat Vein Ripper on turn three. Vein Ripper not only provides a fast clock whenever left uncontested but it's also really hard to remove (at least on game one). The other vampires in the deck make Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord useful even when you don't have access to Vein Ripper.
Card Choices
After Seth Manfield won the Pro Tour Murders at Karlov Manor the deck became very popular and eventually the meta started to adapt to the deck. Archfiend of the Dross is the most important inclusion for the deck since the Pro Tour. In fact, before its inclusion, the deck was heavily dependent on the combo between Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord and Vein Ripper. Archfiend of the Dross is really difficult to remove for some decks while also representing a very fast clock. Izzet Phoenix really struggles to remove it since it would require at least two removal. Lightnin Axe was previously a really scary card for Rakdos Vampires but with the inclusion of a 6/6 body it's not that scary anymore.
Fable of the Mirror-Breaker is one of the strongest cards printed in the past few years and the deck is not just a black pile because of it. Fable of the Mirror-Breaker needs an immediate answer and it fits perfectly in the deck. Even in the cases where the opponent has a quick answer to it, it's likely to assume we'll get a two for one. The second chapter ability helps to find Sorin and Vein Ripper faster while Reflection of Kiki-Jiki win the games whenever left into the battlefield. Reflection of Kiki-Jiki is really strong with both Vein Ripper and Archfiend of the Dross and that's another good reason to include the second one in the deck.
The first versions of the deck used to include Bitter Triumph but the format has really changed since then. Go for the Throat is a much better option right now in my opinion as it deals with both Mono Red and Gruul Prowess in a more efficient way. The upside of playing Bitter Triumph is that it answer Planeswalker but Azorius Control (which was the main reason to play it over other removal) is increasingly less popular. On the other hand the downside of paying three life is now really relevant in a meta where aggro decks are becoming more popular.
The Vampires Packet
Bloodtithe Harvester is the best two-mana vampire in the format by far. His body is good and his effects are even better. The Blood token can be really useful in many occasions and can also help with Revolt. Bloodtithe Harvester can also be used as a removal and is really powerful with Reflection of Kiki-Jiki.
Dusk Legion Zealot is just a cheap way to draw and a body into the battlefield. Not the greatest vampire in the deck for sure and the most cuttable one post side but still a decent inclusion to draw Sorin + Vein Ripper as fast as possible.
Preacher of the Schism is too strong to be left out. His body is hard to trade with because of his deathtouch ability and it generates resources whenever he attacks. Despite not doing anything when entering the battlefield it is hard to remove and need an immediate answer.
The inclusion of Mutavault inevitably worsens our mana base but it's a price we pay happily. The land can represent a clock in many occasions and thanks to Sorin we can often trade a land with another permanent while also gaining some life. I would consider it a pretty good deal.
Amalia Combo is the worst matchup for the deck but it's not the only hard one. Quintorius Combo and Selesnya Angels are the other two scary matchups but luckily at least Selesnya Angels is not really common these days. Control decks in general are considered easy matchups but many aggro decks seem to struggle against Rakdos Vampire as well: Mono-Red and Boros Heroic are two examples of good matchups for the deck.
The deck is quite easy to play and it's also really strong. In my humble opinion Amalia Combo is the strongest deck in the format but it's also a much more complex deck than this one. With just a few days left before the the Explorer Weekend Qualifier there is not much room for testing and if you are not familiar with the format you need a deck that is strong and easy to pilot. If you feel like you are in this situation I would recommend this deck over the others.