We are coming to the end of spoiler season, and we are ramping up for early access for Aetherdrift. Almost all of the cards have been revealed, so Magic players are dashing to find the new deck that will work for them. This is an exciting time for creators as well, because it is our chance to make predictions on what the most impactful cards will be. We can straight up make a prediction, we can come out with a top 5 or 10, or we can theory craft new decks. I'm going to be dropping a few decks over the next couple of days that I think will be really fun to play in Standard, and that I will be playing in early access for Aetherdrift! Here is a look at the first deck I made that is an Orzhov Sacrifice Combo Deck!
This new Orzhov Creation looks to take advantage of a lot of low-mana high-value creatures. We have multiple different sacrifice outlets, and a couple of different ways to interact with our graveyard. Most of the creatures are two mana value or lower, so we can even use a card from Foundations to bring them all back at once! We will draw a ton of cards, drain our opponent's life total, and have tons of blockers for the various aggro decks that we may come across. We can even punish the opponent for killing our creatures. The deck also features 23 lands due to the fact that our curve is pretty low, and we can operate pretty well with two or three mana. You might be wondering: "OK, so what is actually new about the deck?" We are looking to take advantage of the Start Your Engines mechanic that has been brought to us in this set. If you are unfamiliar with how that works, you can read my most recent article for a deep dive! For now, let's take a look at some relevant new cards from the set!
Relevant New Cards
There sure are some interesting names in this set. The race theme really applies to a lot of aspects of these new cards. Gas Guzzler is an easy auto-include in our deck that allows us to immediately commence the Start Your Engines mechanic, and start to amass value from our early turns. It has relevant stats, and begins to snowball with some of our other creatures that are on the board later on. Once we hit Max Speed, this card demands removal, and it will be hard for most decks to keep up with all of our high-value threats.
Zahur is awesome in the deck, and as your brain may have already connected the dots for you, it is our combo piece with Gas Guzzler. These cards effectively let you draw as many cards as you can pay one black mana for each time. Zahur also attacks well, and is its own sacrifice outlet. It also allows us to surveil, which will become relevant later on with another new card that is in the deck. The nice thing about playing a sacrifice deck is that we want our creatures to die, so even if we do draw an extra Zahur with one already on the board, we can cast it, then sacrifice one and still benefit from it. Once we get to Max Speed and this is on the board with Gas Guzzler, it will be a race against the clock for our opponent.
We are stepping into the higher mana portion of this deck, which is an interesting thing for me to say, considering I'm a midrange/combo player and this deck is unusually low to the ground compared to what I'm used to. Our three mana zombie is going to give us an instant three-for-one. We will get the body, another 2/2 token, and the Start Your Engines trigger. It will continue to play off of our Max Speed dynamic that we are hoping to achieve throughout the game with the plethora of ways to make our opponents lose life. This will effectively give us another Blood Artist effect when there are already a few instances of it. We can keep stacking them and dish some serious punishment when our creatures die. The fact that it is an uncommon adds to the appealing price point of this deck, which can be very enticing for someone looking to get into Standard without dishing out too much money.
This is an interesting one, and is something that I will be trying out in the deck. I'm not entirely sold on it for now, but I think that we have a decent amount of ways to put things into our graveyard, and I can't turn down a black card that possibly allows me to destroy artifacts. That is unprecedented. Also, it allows us to mill cards, which can help us fill the graveyard for when we cast Raise The Past.
The Raceway may not be incredibly relevant in the deck, but it seems almost free to try and take advantage of possible extra mana from the Max Speed value engine. This can help us with activated abilities from our permanents, and for casting our three and four mana value spells if we happen to get stuck on mana. I only included two of them since it does not tap for any colors, and because we aren't a big mana deck.
Can it Compete?
I believe this deck could be good. There are already some decent Aristocrat decks floating around, and I believe that we can get a good bit of life gain into this deck and have chump blockers for days once our engines are running. We should be able to buy time and draw enough cards to find what we need to always find a way to win, or at least give ourselves a fighting chance. Stay tuned next week to my Twitch Channel on Wednesday, the 5th of February - I'll be trying out this deck and a few of my other creations during Early Access!