Seeds of Strength
Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.
Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.
Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.
Beneath the beauty of light and seed is the might of Vitu-Ghazi.
Ralph Horsley
You may choose the same creature as a target multiple times since the card says “target creature” multiple times. You may give three different creatures +1/+1 each, one creature +2/+2 and another creature +1/+1, or a single creature +3/+3.
(wotc • 2005-10-01)
You may choose the same creature as a target multiple times since the card says “target creature” multiple times. You may give three different creatures +1/+1 each, one creature +2/+2 and another creature +1/+1, or a single creature +3/+3.
(wotc • 2005-10-01)